I thought that before I started diving into the books I am reading and will subsequently review, I would write a little bit about my love for books and reading in general.
I realize that reading for pleasure is a dying art. It seems that people fall into one of three categories. The first are the ones who simply don’t like to read for pleasure. The second category includes the people who really enjoy reading but can’t find the time. The third category are the people who read constantly. I waiver between the second and the third categories. I’ll take books anyway I can get them. Ebooks, Audiobooks, and of course my favorite; a good physical-smell-the-pages hard copy. I’m aware that there are purists out there who think that Ebooks are blasphemy, but guys…you can get so many more books! I don’t have to carry around a box on my vacations unless I want to. My earliest book memory is of the Gingerbears’ First Christmas. I was fascinated by the pictures and loved the story as my mother read it to myself and my sister. I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t reading. I was the kid who traveled everywhere with a book. Family functions? Sitting on the couch with a book. Out to dinner at a restaurant? Sitting at the table with a book. Fighting with my sister at the dinner table? Take a guess as to what would shut us up. Another of my favorite book related memories is the time my sister and I argued with the librarian about how many chapter books we could read in two weeks. We’d both go to the counter with the max limit of ten each and she didn’t want to loan them all to us. She didn’t think we would finish them and she didn’t want us to lose them. Totally understandable. We managed to convince her to let us walk out of there with twenty books combined. She didn’t think we could read ten each in two weeks. She was partially right. We couldn’t read JUST ten each. We’d read twenty. I know, we were super exciting right? This was the mid to late eighties my friends. We didn’t watch a lot of TV and unless we wanted to go outside and fry in the Florida heat, we just read books. At this point in my life, reading is an obsession and an addiction. Between my Ereader and my shelves, even if I were to read one book every single day of my life? I’d be set for the next year and a half. I read fast. I tend to see whole sentences as a single entity instead of reading the words one by one. Something that doesn’t require a lot of thought? Something like Hunger Games? I can blow through in a few hours. Disclaimer: I loved the Hunger Games but let’s face it, it’s not exactly Hemingway. I’m currently reading four books at the same time. I’ll get into that next week when I post again. What about you? What are your reading habits?